Requirements for suppliers
To follow laws
- The supplier shall comply with laws and governmental regulations as well as national and international agreements, such as requirements related to collective agreements, environmental and labor laws, and legislation concerning worker protection, economics, and customer responsibility.
- The supplier shall respect the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and the rights of employees established by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
- L&T is committed to the United Nations Global Compact initiative that promotes human rights, labor rights, the environment, and anti-corruption. L&T also expects its suppliers to follow these principles in their operations.
- The supplier's personnel shall have the opportunity to organize into trade unions.
Principles for Conducting Business
- The supplier shall apply all applicable laws concerning wages and working hours, including laws on minimum wage regulations and mandatory benefits (e.g., overtime pay, holiday pay, etc.).
- The employees of the supplier are entitled to receive wages according to their job, considering the minimum wage regulations.
- The employees of the supplier shall have daily and weekly rest according to the applicable Swedish working time legislation.
- In all its operations, the supplier follows good business practices and applicable competition legislation.
- The supplier shall act against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
- To avoid conflicts of interest, the management and key personnel of the supplier are obliged to inform L&T about the existence of kinship or other close relationship with L&T's clients.
- The supplier is responsible for ensuring that confidential material and data are protected.
Respect Human Rights
- L&T expects its suppliers to commit to respecting internationally recognized human rights and to promote their implementation in all their operations.
- L&T expects that the supplier treats everyone fairly and equally.
- We respect the dignity, integrity, and rights of each individual. The supplier must have a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of discrimination, threats, harassment, or bullying.
- There must be no discrimination in terms of recruitment, wages, promotion, and termination.
- There must be no discrimination based on gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnic origin, religion or other beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, and age.
- The supplier guarantees that employees perform work voluntarily, not under punishment or other threats.
- The supplier respects that an employee's identity documents are personal property and should thus be in the employee's possession.
- Employees can terminate their employment after a reasonable notice period.
- Employees can leave the workplace after their shift.
- The supplier shall comply with all regulations regarding the minimum age for employees.
Ensuring Health and Safety
- The supplier shall ensure a safe and healthy workplace for its staff by complying with the legislation on safety and health that applies to all its operations.
- Work with preventive measures to avoid accidents at work.
- Ensure access to necessary protective equipment and safe work practices.
- Work to ensure that risk factors are reported, addressed, and followed up on.
- The supplier shall ensure that staff neither work nor are present at the workplace under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- The supplier shall have effective procedures and guidelines to prevent the abuse of alcohol and drugs.
Read more about our way of acting
Reduction of Environmental and Climate Impact
- L&T expects its suppliers to follow environmental legislation, regulations, and permits in all their operations.
- The supplier should take initiatives to promote environmental responsibility (e.g., appropriate waste management, energy efficiency, and emission reduction). L&T encourages its suppliers to keep up with developments in environmental responsibility and to reduce their operations' negative environmental impact.
- L&T has established science-based emission reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative and urges its suppliers to set their own goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Supplier Evaluation and Activities Contrary to Our Guidelines
- As part of L&T's responsibility program, all suppliers fill out a self-assessment form at L&T's request at the beginning of the cooperation and periodically during the cooperation. If the supplier does not complete the self-assessment form, or if the self-assessment reveals serious deficiencies, L&T cannot begin/continue cooperation with the supplier unless the supplier rectifies the deficiencies within a reasonable time.
- L&T or externally appointed representatives of the company have the right to check that the supplier follows these guidelines. The supplier shall assist in performing this check.
- If the supplier acts contrary to these guidelines, laws, or ethical principles, L&T has the right to terminate the contract and immediately end the cooperation with the supplier. L&T does not collaborate with suppliers or their subcontractors who do not follow these guidelines.