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Facility Management

Comprehensive service that suits the needs of the busy property owner


Focus on Your Core Business

Owning or managing a property involves a lot of work. Besides time, one must keep track of finances, technology, and landscaping. We offer everything related to facility management and maintenance. With our long experience and continuous operational development, we deliver qualified services in facility management and have become a leading provider of technical FM in Sweden

Your Property Deserves the Best


Local service

From us, you get local service with the security and professionalism that a large actor brings


Customer focus

We thoroughly get to know your needs and your property and put together a suitable service package for you


Service Around the Clock

We are always ready to help you. You can submit a service request to us 24/7 or call our customer service during office hours


In a Well-Maintained Property, Users Also Thrive

A well-maintained property is recognized by everything being as it should be: the lights are on, the taps do not leak, the temperature is just right, and there is no trash on the yards. All this requires continuous care: let us do it for you

Comfort and Efficiency to Your Property's Indoor Spaces

  • Daily Maintenance

    Daily and preventive maintenance and repair actions help avoid larger repair needs and ensure that the property remains in good condition for as long as possible.

  • Technical Management

    When the technical management of the facilities are in our hands, conditions remain optimal, users satisfied, and costs in check.

  • Energy Technology

    Energy efficiency plays a central role in managing property costs and extending its lifespan. A property that consumes energy smartly also reduces your company's carbon footprint and helps you achieve your climate goals.


Outdoor Areas that Make an Impression

  • Safety

    By performing landscaping work, dangerous areas can be identified and addressed. The outdoor environment can then be adapted to minimize the risk of injury and accidents.

  • Health

    A beautiful and well-maintained outdoor environment can have a positive impact on health and well-being. Research has shown that green outdoor areas can help reduce stress and increase productivity.

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    A well-maintained outdoor area provides a professional and welcoming view. It can increase the property's value, contribute to a positive first impression, and improve the company's profile.


Want to know more?

Contact us