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Invoice questions

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As part of L&T's digitization efforts and to create a more efficient and secure invoice management system, we have decided to transition to electronic invoice processing for supplier invoices. This means that all purchases made by L&T will be invoiced using e-invoices starting from February 1, 2024.

E-invoicing involves fewer manual steps and smoother invoice processing, reducing the risk of errors. It also enhances the security of our transactions, allowing us as recipients to verify the sender and providing traceability to identify fraudulent invoices. With e-invoicing, the invoice reaches the correct recipient directly, gets approved and paid earlier, while we, as recipients, gain better control over our purchases.

Invoices to L&T require a valid reference. To avoid the risk of invoice rejection, it is crucial that you review the attached invoice instructions with content requirements and ensure that the correct invoice reference is provided.

Please note that PDF is no longer an accepted format. This means that all paper invoices and PDF invoices must be redirected to e-invoices. To send electronic invoices, your company needs to have an agreement with an e-invoice operator.

If you currently do not have the capability to send e-invoices, there is usually an option to create e-invoices through business or financial systems; check with your system provider. If you want to use L&T's invoice operator, contact Pagero, and they will assist you in finding a solution.

Billing information


We only accept electronic invoices. Requirements for purchase reference: Job task number, which is: 5–7 digits, for example: 207123
Employee number: 4–5 characters, for example: 5714
Facility number: for example 345968–00
Purchase order number: 8 characters in a consecutive number series, for example: 33452412

When invoicing, one of the above references, along with the full name of the purchaser, must be specified for the invoice to be accepted.

Electronic invoice

To send e-invoices, please contact the VAN operator you use and ask them to set it up as follows.

GLN: 7365564732266
VAN operator: Pagero
Format: IFS Finvoice 1.0
Org. no: 556473-2260

Invoice address

If you are unable to send electronic invoices or in case of reminders, you can send the invoice by post.

Lassila & Tikanoja FM AB
Box 9060
171 71 Solna




L&T Service AB

Electronic invoice

To send E-invoices,  we ask you to contact the VAN operator you use and ask them to make the setup as below.

GLN: 7365566848866
VAN-operatör: Pagero
Format: FIN.01 556684-8866

Invoice Address

If you are unable to send electronic invoices or in case of reminders, you can send the invoice by post.

Lassila & Tikanoja Service AB
737 84 Fagersta

Contact us about invoicing

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