We only accept electronic invoices. Requirements for purchase reference: Job task number, which is: 5–7 digits, for example: 207123
Employee number: 4–5 characters, for example: 5714
Facility number: for example 345968–00
Purchase order number: 8 characters in a consecutive number series, for example: 33452412
When invoicing, one of the above references, along with the full name of the purchaser, must be specified for the invoice to be accepted.
Electronic invoice
To send e-invoices, please contact the VAN operator you use and ask them to set it up as follows.
GLN: 7365564732266
VAN operator: Pagero
Format: IFS Finvoice 1.0
Org. no: 556473-2260
Invoice address
If you are unable to send electronic invoices or in case of reminders, you can send the invoice by post.
Lassila & Tikanoja FM AB
Box 9060
171 71 Solna